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Account Summary

Name and Profile Image

The SDK displays account summary information such as the total amount of cash back earned and a list of rewards. These views can be configured to display the user's name and profile image. Note that the user's name and image are used for display purposes only and will never be sent to Cardlytics's servers.

To configure the SDK to display the user's name and image, set the following properties on the Cardlytics instance:

dosh.userDisplayName = "Joe Smith"
dosh.userProfileImage = URL(string: "profile_image_url_string")

To configure the SDK to display the user's name and image, set the following properties on the Cardlytics instance:

    userDisplayName = "Joe Smith"
    userProfileImage = "profile_image_url"

Account Summary in the Offers Feed

The account summary view in the offers feed can be further customized server-side. Since these are not configurable through the SDK, please work with your Partner Manager if you prefer a value other than the default. Configurable fields include:

  • The Last activity on <date> text
  • The Lifetime Rewards and <Year> Rewards text

Account Summary Screen

The account summary screen also supports showing an informational text view above the list of rewards. This text can be customized to display any relevant information (with a limit of 280 characters) and an example usage is to display information about the payout schedule for the rewards program.

To configure the SDK to display the informational text on the account summary view, set the following property on the Cardlytics instance:

dosh.rewardsSummaryInfo = "Please note payouts occur every 15 days."

To configure the SDK to display the informational text on the account summary view, set the following property on the Cardlytics instance:

PoweredByDosh.instance?.rewardsSummaryInfo = "Please note payouts occur every 15 days."

The Pending Activity and Recent Activity titles on the account summary screen can also be customized server-side. Since these are not configurable through the SDK, please work with your Partner Manager if you prefer a value other than the default.